„Corona – Die Urangst des inneren Kindes“ Corona ist aus unserem täglichen Allerlei nicht wegzudenken. Es steht für kriegsähnliche Verhältnisse, wenn es um den Kampf ums Klopapier, Desinfektionsmittel oder Trockenhefe geht. Weltweit schnellen die Zahlen Infizierter und Toter in die Höhe. Ausgangssperren, Kontaktsperren, Warteschlangen vor dem Supermarkt. Es fühlt sich nach einem Science Fiction an, wie Hollywood ihn nicht besser hätte verfilmen können. Ende unbekannt….mehr lesen
„Liminal Spaces: Conversations with SpiritCelebrate Samhain with an Evening of Mediumship“ November 7, 2021, 3PM EST- 4:30PM ESTThere is no fee to join this event, it is free of charge! We request that all who join, do so in reverence to the world of Spirit. The Zoom link can be accessed at https://www.abraxasoraculararts.com/liminal-spaces-demonstrationABRAXAS Oracular Arts is honored to present our first online event, Liminal Spaces: Conversations with Spirit. We hope you will join us on astrological Samhain to celebrate the Ancestors through a Gallery demonstration with 6 international mediums.Included in the evening:Discussion regarding Mental Mediumship. What is it? What is it not?What is the difference between evidence and messages within Mental Mediumship?What is a Gallery demonstration?What is a Platform demonstration?What is the difference between 1:1 sittings and attending a public demonstration?How do I participate as a potential recipient?Each medium has their own way of working with spirit. We will each provide a brief overview of our approach to facilitate clearer expectations between the medium and the audience.As we will have an international panel of mediums, evidence and messages may be offered in English, German, French, and Spanish. We also hope to have captioning available for those who may have difficulty with hearing over Zoom.Mediums: Ace Lindquist, Aria Michaels Paradise, Christina Landry, Gabriele Guthmann, Jim Richard, Sean O’Connor
"Parallelwelten-ich-sehe-was-was-du-nicht-siehst" Eine Dokumentation über Lara Sophie Guthmann, Heilerin und MediumDirekt Link: www.ardmediathek.deVeröffentlichungsdatum: 13.04.2023
Gabriele und Lara Guthmann, Protagonistinnen im SWR-Dokumentarfilm„Ich sehe was, was du nicht siehst“ über Geistiges Heilen
Quelle:Heiler-Info 2/2023, Mitgliederzeitschriftdes Dachverbandes Geistiges Heilen e. V. (www.dgh-ev.de)
„Corona – Die Urangst desinneren Kindes“ Corona ist aus unserem täglichenAllerlei nicht wegzudenken. Es stehtfür kriegsähnliche Verhältnisse, wennes um den Kampf ums Klopapier, Desinfektionsmittel oder Trockenhefegeht. Weltweit schnellen die ZahlenInfizierter und Toter in die Höhe.Ausgangssperren, Kontaktsperren,Warteschlangen vor dem Supermarkt.Es fühlt sich nach einem ScienceFiction an, wie Hollywood ihn nicht besser hätte verfilmen können.Ende unbekannt….mehr lesen
„Liminal Spaces: Conversations with SpiritCelebrate Samhain with an Evening of Mediumship“ November 7, 2021, 3PM EST- 4:30PM ESTThere is no fee to join this event, it is free of charge! We request that all who join, do so in reverence to the world of Spirit. The Zoom link can be accessed at https://www.abraxasoraculararts.com/liminal-spaces-demonstrationABRAXAS Oracular Arts is honored to present our first online event, Liminal Spaces: Conversations with Spirit. We hope you will join us on astrological Samhain to celebrate the Ancestors through a Gallery demonstration with 6 international mediums.Included in the evening:Discussion regarding Mental Mediumship. What is it? What is it not? What is the difference between evidence and messages within Mental Mediumship? What is a Gallery demonstration? What is a Platform demonstration? What is the difference between 1:1 sittings and attending a public demonstration? How do I participate as a potential recipient?Each medium has their own way of working with spirit. We will each provide a brief overview of our approach to facilitate clearer expectations between the medium and the audience.As we will have an international panel of mediums, evidence and messages may be offered in English, German, French, and Spanish. We also hope to have captioning available for those who may have difficulty with hearing over Zoom.Mediums: Ace Lindquist, Aria Michaels Paradise, Christina Landry, Gabriele Guthmann, Jim Richard, Sean O’Connor
"Parallelwelten-ich-sehe-was-was-du-nicht-siehst" Eine Dokumentation überLara Sophie Guthmann,Heilerin und MediumDirekt Link: www.ardmediathek.deVeröffentlichungsdatum: 13.04.2023
Gabriele und Lara Guthmann,Protagonistinnen imSWR-Dokumentarfilm„Ich sehe was, was du nicht siehst“über Geistiges Heilen
Quelle:Heiler-Info 2/2023, Mitgliederzeitschriftdes Dachverbandes Geistiges Heilen e. V. (www.dgh-ev.de)